St Columb’s College Union is a community of Alumni. Our purpose is to provide a forum for Alumni to keep in touch with each other and with St Columbs.
1. This Association shall be called “St. Columb’s College Union”.
2. The objectives of the Union shall be to bring together its members at least once a year to renew friendships, to keep members in touch with the life and progress of their school and to undertake such fund-raising activities as shall seem proper to the Committee and to make such donations to the funds of the College as the Committee may deem appropriate.
3. The Union shall consist of past students together with past and present members of the College Staff.
4. The Bishop of the Diocese of Derry for the time being, if he so consents, shall be Patron of the Union.
5. The governing body (“the Committee”) shall be composed of the President, the Senior Vice-President, Treasurer, a Secretary, and the Headmaster for the time being of the College and eight Members of the Union of which one will be an assistant Treasurer and one wil be an assistant Secretary.
6. The President shall hold office for the term of one year (and shall not be eligible for re- election as President until one year shall have elapsed from the expiry of his term of office).
7. The President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting on the nomination of the Committee. Members desirous of suggesting a candidate for the Presidency are invited to send such suggestion to the Committee not later than 1st October each year.
8. All former Presidents of the Union shall be Ex-officio Vice-Presidents. The immediate Past- President shall be designated Senior Vice-President. In the event of the unavailability or incapacity of the President, the Senior Vice-President or one of the other Vice-Presidents may be nominated to act for the President.
9. The Treasurers and Secretaries shall be elected annually and shall be eligible for re- election. The Treasurer shall prepare and present a set of accounts for adoption at each Annual General Meeting of the Union.
10. Members of the Committee shall hold office for three years. Two shall retire each year and shall not be eligible for re-election for a period of one year from expiry of last term of office. The filling of interim vacancies on the Committee shall be decided by the President, subject to the approval of the Committee.
11. The funds of the Union shall be lodged in a bank account in the name of St. Columb’s College Union and cheques shall be signed by any two of the: Treasurer, Secretary, President or Senior Vice-President. The surplus of any income over expenditure shall be lodged in said account and shall be used for the purposes outlined in Article 2 above.
12. As often as occasion shall require or on requisition of the President or of five Members of the Committee the Secretary shall summon a meeting of the Committee and five members shall form a quorum.
13. The subscription for enrolment in the Union Register shall be paid as a life subscription or as an annual subscription. Subscription rates will be decided at the Annual General Meeting. There shall be automatic enrolment for students when they leave the College and subscription will be free for those members during the five years immediately after they have left the College.
14. The Annual General Meeting of the Union shall be held in every year at St. Columb’s College, or elsewhere as may be decided by the Committee, on such date as may be fixed by them. The Committee may at any time summon a Special General Meeting of the Union and shall summon such a meeting on a requisition signed by twenty members of the Union.
15. Any rule of the Union may be altered by a majority of the votes of the members voting in person at an Annual General Meeting but notice of the proposed alteration shall be given in writing to the Secretary at least one month before the date of the meeting.
16. These rules shall take effect as soon as they are approved by an Annual General Meeting and shall effectively revoke and replace all previous rules.
The above rules were adopted at the Annual General Meeting held at St Columb’s College on 3 November 2014.